HD-PE bar screens
The frame of our manual bar screens, to which the inlet and outlet pipes are connected (diameters to be specified at the time of order), are made out of HD-PE plates, making the structure lighter and less expensive than comparable concrete structures. The stainless steel grids have a 40 mm bar spacing, compatible with our siphons and reed bed filters, while allowing cleaning only every few days. A rake adapted to the screen gap to facilitate the removal of screenings and a screenings dewatering basket, both in stainless steel, are supplied with the screen.

Materials :
HD-PE and 316 L stainless steel
Dimensions :
Length: 1250 mm x Width: 530 mm x Height: 500 mm
Slope of the bottom of the channel :
5%, Channel width: 300 mm, Overflow: approx. 10 mm
Diameter of stainless steel bars 316L :
12 mm, Entrefer : 40 mm
Screen basket :
Length: 200 mm x Width: 380 mm x Height: 200 mm with 10 mm holes